How do I add custom CRM columns?

A summary of how to add custom CRM columns to the forecast grid.

Adding Custom Columns

  • Navigate to Forecast & CRM Settings
  • Activate Edit Mode from the menu bar.
  • Select CRM fields from the drop-down lists to match CRM fields to the following system defaults:

- Type field - represents the spilt between "New" and "Existing" business. In future this field will be used for advanced predictive analytics so we encourage users to map to this existing field rather than creating a new one.

- P&L Category field - represents the profit and loss category used in other reporting systems, such as General Ledger codes in an Accounting System. In future this field will be used to map reporting to other systems, including Accounting Systems, so we encourage users to map to this existing field rather than creating a new one.

- Start Date field - represents the start of the products or services for the purpose of revenue recognition. This filed will be available in future workflow automations to automate revenue recognition timing (where revenue starts at a different date to the closing date). So we encourage users to map to this existing field rather than creating a new one.

  • Alternatively, select "Add Custom Column" to add another column with its own unique heading.

Note, you will need to Refresh/Re-sync your CRM data in QuarterOne after new custom fields have been added. Custom CRM columns are currently limited to 5 columns, but please contact us if you require more.

Viewing Custom Columns

  • Navigate to the Forecast grid.
  • Select Customize Grid from the menu.
  • The custom columns will then be visible within the Show Columns section of the Customize Grid modal. Tick the columns you wish to include on the grid.